Why Afghan Women are Approaching Iranian Society? A Critical Study


  • Malina Hassani BS Student at the University of Tehran, Iran
  • Afshaneh Arezo BS Student at the University of Tehran, Iran
  • Fawzia Haideri BS Student at the University of Tehran, Iran
  • Muhammad Asim Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, Government Graduate College Asghar Mall, Rawalpindi https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8873-5711


Doha Peace Accord, Uzbek Southern, Pak-Afghan Barter Trade Agreement, Sistan-o-Balochistan, South Khorasan


Since December 2022 when the Taliban government banned higher education for girls, female students have been more depressed. On the other hand, since the recapturing of the Afghan government by the Taliban in August 2021, Afghan women have also been deprived of business and job environment. This study conducts a comparative study about women empowerment in Afghanistan during US-backed Afghanistan and Post-Taliban Afghanistan. As it has been widely observed that Afghan women are now approaching Iran, the study examines why Afghan women (specifically Dari and Uzbek Southern speaking) are considering Iran as their final destination, and why Afghan women are idealizing Iran for higher education, business or job.


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