Pro-Soviet Symbolism of Alexander Abasheli; A Discourse Analysis of the State Anthem of the Georgian SSR


  • Afag Dilbaz Research Associate at Young Women for Change in Caucasus (YWCC), Baku
  • Ali Ibrahimov Research Associate at Young Women for Change in Caucasus (YWCC), Baku
  • Muhammad Asim Honorary Research Supervisor, Assistant Professor at the Government Associate College (Boys) Dhoke Syedan, Rawalpindi Cantonment


Bolshevism, Abashispiri, Cult of the Sun, Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic, De-Stalinization, Sovereign Symbolism


Being a writer of the anthem of Georgian SSR, Alexander Abasheli is considered a pro-Bolshevik and pro-Stalin person who always seeks communism as the absolute solution for Georgian development and glory. Although the anthem was not his sole product, his pro-Stalin wordings coerced Nikita Khrushchev not to remove Stalin’s name from the anthem but added Lenin as a hero of the Soviet Union too. This study examines how the original anthem of the Georgian SSR moved from Stalinism to Sovietism, and how the Georgian nation skipped its Soviet past for sovereign symbolism.


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