Political Economy of Taftan City within the Context of Pak-Iran Economic Relations


  • Wali Hamdullah Lecturer at Imam Baqir Institute for Economic and Skills Development, Zahedan (Iran)
  • Shakeebullah Kakar Research Scholar at the Department of Political Science, University of Balochistan (Quetta)


Pak-Iran Economic Relations, Taftan City, Political Economy, Cross-Border Trade, Regional Development, Geopolitical Significance


Aforementioned works on Pakistan-Iran economic relations have laid essential groundwork for understanding the complicated dynamics between the two nations. Authors such as Hussain (2018) and Khan (2020) have extensively examined various aspects of this relationship, including trade agreements, energy cooperation and geopolitical alignments. Building upon this foundation, this paper delves into the political economy of Taftan city within the broader context of Pak-Iran economic relations. Taftan, situated on the Pakistan-Iran border, holds strategic significance as a key transit point for trade and connectivity between the two countries. Through a comprehensive analysis of Taftan’s economic landscape, infrastructure development and cross-border trade dynamics, this study seeks to elucidate the factors shaping the city’s economic fortunes within the framework of Pak-Iran relations. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that combines elements of political economy, international relations and regional development studies, this research aims to provide valuable visions into the complexities of bilateral economic interactions and their implications for both nations.


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