The Socio-Economic Transformation of Nakh Communities in the Caucasus: A Case Study


  • Elina Zohedov Research Associate at the Young Women for Change in Caucasus (YWCC), Baku
  • Dr. Samina Noor Senior Vice-President at the Young Women for Change in Caucasus (YWCC), Baku and Visiting Lecturer at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Nakh Communities, North Caucasus, Socio-Economic Transformation, Livelihood, Ethnic Identity, Cultural Adaption


Building upon previous research on Nakh history, culture and socio-economic development in the Caucasus, this paper presents a comprehensive case study investigating the socio-economic transformation of Nakh communities in the region. The significance of this study lies in its examination of the intricate interplay between historical legacies, contemporary socio-economic factors and cultural dynamics shaping the livelihoods of the Nakh people. By examining this topic, this study aims to address several key questions: How have Nakh communities adapted to socio-economic changes in the Caucasus over time? What are the primary drivers and implications of these transformations on Nakh livelihoods, identity and well-being? What strategies do Nakh communities employ to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities in the evolving socio-economic landscape of the region? Through a meticulous analysis of primary and secondary data, this study offers a deep understanding of the contemporary realities faced by Nakh communities amidst ongoing socio-economic shifts, contributing to the broader discourse on ethnic minorities and development in the Caucasus.


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