Engendering Violence: an Analysis of the Women Peace and Security (WPS) Agenda in Pakistan


  • Muna Khayal Khattak PhD Scholar at Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad & Lecturer at the Department of International Relations, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan


Security, WPS Agenda, Gender Security, Conflict, Security Policies, Structural Inequality


Pakistan has been engulfed in various forms of violent conflicts since its inception. Since the past two decades state has responded to these violent and radical activities via various security-oriented policies. The focus of this study is to have a gendered analysis of these security-oriented policies particularly with respect to the Women Peace and Security (WPS) agenda. The WPS agenda is the first comprehensive UN agenda that acknowledges the unique impact of conflict on women and girls. Employing the Feminist Security studies lens this study first discusses the impact of conflict and violence on women and the implementation of the WPS agenda. The second part of the article deals with the gendered analysis of the security policies in place since 1997. Gendered lacunas as well as pros and cons of each policy are discussed in detail and it is concluded that a Gendered Action Plan as per the WPS agenda is the only way forward to address gender concerns in Pakistan.


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