Exploring the Relationship between Sleep Habits, Fast Food Consumption and Physical Activity Levels in Young Adults: A Pakistan’s Survey Study
Sleep Habits, Fast Food Consumption, Physical Activity, Quantitative Survey, Population, Young AdultsAbstract
This study investigates the relationship between physical activity, fast food consumption and sleep habits in young adults, with a specific focus on identifying predictors of sleep quality. A quantitative survey of 110 participants (ages 18-45) was conducted within Okara city (Pakistan), using a self-administered questionnaire to assess sleep habits, physical activity, and fast-food consumption. Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that physical activity and fast-food consumption were not significant predictors of sleep quality in this population. However, the findings suggest that other lifestyle factors, such as stress and screen time, may play a more significant role in shaping sleep habits in young adults. The results of this study have implications for the development of targeted interventions aimed at improving sleep quality and overall health outcomes in young adults.
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